With our sheer dedication to develop and expand Smart Meter sector in India, it should come as no surprise that we are equally committed to forging long term relationships with our sponsors and exhibitors.
The Smart Meter Summit features speaking opportunity, networking and exhibiting opportunities. Marketing & Branding in pre-event, during event and post-event press releases.
The Smart Meter Summit features a limited number of company spotlight slots, offering EV companies the opportunity to showcase their new innovative products and solutions.
Along with branding and marketing initiatives, the event focuses on the strategies which can truly benefit our sponsors in terms of ROI along with exposure & recognition in the market.
Business Driven Event: Our highly strategic approach makes the event not just a knowledge driven but more of a business driven event. Every company attending the event will be looking for business opportunities.
Protected Market Share for our sponsors: The Smart Meter Summit will ensure a solid ratio of business raising opportunities and collaboration to reach the next level.
Exclusivity: By limiting the number of sponsors to our programs, the integrity of their campaign is assured.
Return on Investment: Every penny invested will result in greater ROI. Unmatched benefits will be rolled out to the sponsors at the Smart Meter Summit. Developing and using customer feedback from dedicated social media portals to improve product/service offerings.